
MenuControl 5 for FileMaker

MenuControl 5 for FileMaker

MenuControl 5 for FileMaker

Product Info

The Next Generation of FileMaker Menu Manipulation For Main, Context and Pop-Up Menus

MenuControl enables you to create your very own main menus, context and pop-up menus in FileMaker using your scripts and default FileMaker menu items. Develop user-friendly and secure FileMaker solutions with unsurpassed ease and flexibility! Disable file window control buttons (minimize, maximize, close). MenuControl 5 works with FileMaker 5-12 on Windows and Mac OS.

MenuControl enables you to design custom menus for FileMaker 7 and earlier. For FileMaker 8-12 Advanced developers MenuControl provides significant advantages over the "custom menu" feature of FileMaker.

Why Use MenuControl with FileMaker 8-12

Already using FileMaker 8-12 or planning to upgrade soon? See the table below to learn why MenuControl is still developers' preferred choice over the "custom menu" feature that comes with FileMaker 8-12 Advanced.

A Whole Suite of Powerful Menu Functions

- Create your own FileMaker main menus using your scripts
- Replace the default FileMaker menu with your own menu items - custom menu items trigger your own scripts. Design your own menu structures including sub menus.

- Modify the default FileMaker main menu to your needs
- Include only those menu items that are relevant to your solution.

- Create mixed menus combining the default FileMaker menu with your own menu items
- Combine relevant default FileMaker menu items and your own scripts within the same menu.

- Create custom keyboard shortcuts for quick access
- Assign keyboard shortcuts to all of your menu items. Change the shortcuts of default FileMaker menu items.

- Keep menus attached to certain files, layouts or modes automatically
- MenuControl also enables you to create submenus. Creating clean and professional FileMaker user interfaces becomes a snap.

- Create context menus for fields, layouts or files
- Create custom context (right-click) menus and include default FileMaker menu items or your scripts. Several context menus can be present at the same time, i.e. for different fields.

- Create custom pop-up menus
- Show custom pop-up menus at a specific location in the layout or at the current cursor position. Unlike FileMaker's default pop-up menus MenuControl pop-up menus can trigger scripts and support sub menu structures.

- Change menu items on the fly
- Customize your menus automatically according to the situation. You can add/remove and enable/disable any menu item.

- Toggle FileMaker toolbars
- The FileMaker toolbars can be selectively disabled. You can hide and show the Standard as well as the Text Formatting toolbars even under FileMaker 6/5.

- Additional security features help to control user access
- The close button and other file window control buttons can be disabled. A Thin Client feature enables you to remove all menus items. Set Alternative Menus to replaces the default FileMaker main and context menu for all FileMaker files on a specific machine.

- Design menus easily via point & click
- Create your menus with the help of the MenuComposer, it's as easy as point & click.

- Full cross-platform compatibility on Windows and Mac OS
- MenuControl supports FileMaker 5-12 on Windows and Mac OS.

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